Tag: noor

Imam Malik (RA)’s strict adherence to the Sunnah and demise

Imam Malik رحمة الله عليه lived in Madina Munawwarah for many years. Out of reverence and respect for Nabi ﷺ, he never relieved himself...

Ramadan is the month to fast, not feast!

Allah says, “O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed to those before you, so that you may...

The cause of sinful disobedience

An electric current flowing through a circuit cannot be seen, but it causes a light to switch on which can be seen. The current...

Does Nabi ﷺ know us all personally?

Nabi ﷺ was shown the whole Ummah. When we recite durood it is presented to him and he knows whose durood is being presented....

The marriage conference 2017

To read this article/transcript, please click on the PDF below: Be wary of whom you take your deen from Introductory Note: On the 22nd of July 2017 a...

What do we do after Ramadan? 4 tips on how to...

During Ramadan, our constant worry is how will we maintain this momentum and worship schedule after Ramadan? We must understand that Ramadan is a...

The effects of Sins and repentance

Below is an article by Shaykh Yunus Patel رحمة الله عليه, taken from www.yunuspatel.co.za When a person indulges in sins, in disobedience to Allah Ta'ala,...

Coping with Life Challenges and Stress

Life is full of tests and challenges. There are times when it will upset us or it will not go our way. Look at...

Lessons from the life of Sh. Yunus Patel (RA): Dawah at...

If we leave the door of sins open in our lives, the fruits of our deeni efforts will make an exit. Therefore, although we...

A reality check!

When a person loves an illicit beloved, he becomes mad to serve them. This is because where there's love, there's passion and where there's...